Well, it's Christmas again! I am still counting the number of days to Christmas Eve for my Christmas party!
Well, I have decided that the only thing that rocks is Halo, so I have changed the header to completely Halo. Hope everyone likes it!
So many great things have happened during this year! We won the bid of hosting the 2010 Youth Olympics, hosted the F1 Grand Prix and bagged a silver medal in the Olympics. Too bad got recession! Everyone in Singapore has become x-tra Kiasu with their money. And yes, we got kicked out of the AFF Suzuki cup! I feel like, right now, throwing a shoe at Vietnamese coach Henrique Calisto!
Speaking of which, that reminds me of George Bush and the shoe! The following comic comes from http://www.roosterteeth.com/ (Rooster Teeth, I am ready to be stoned by all of your Xboxes!).

So now, I got a christmas playlist out in the blog to replace the standard one during the festive season!
A lot of people do wishlists, so for the fun of it, here's mine!
- Xbox 360 with Halo 3 (Fat Hope!)
- Converse bag (still waiting)
- Monoploly: Here and now the world edition (already got)
Last, but not least, here's a christmas special about the geeks community...
Yeong, aka B52H
A long time member of the community, he started his blog following inspiration from this blog. He likes BIONICLE, planes and defacing Mas Selamat!
Yeong Junior, aka X-Bio
Yeong's bro, he is a lot like his senior. Like Yeong, he likes BIONICLE.
In the same class in school, he is in the honours roll of members. Unfortunately, we are going to different secondary schools. Hope I can connect with him on Facebook.
Please, add on to the community paylist! Join the community by e-mailing me at spartannuva@gmail.com.