Saturday, August 25, 2007
Toa Mahri out in September

For a BIONICLE fan like me, this can be a good piece of information. The long-awaited Toa Mahri (Actually the transformed Toa Inika from the 2006 storyline) are going to be out in September. If you cannot wait any longer for these cool new heroes, you can shop online for them at the BIONICLE website. But one thing for sure, I will never be allowed to do online shopping. In the meantime, fans can play the current Marhi games-Hewkii, Hahli and Kongu-see the upgraded profiles(Bios), dive deeper into the story at and wait long long for Comic 3 to be realeased!!!!! May the Toa succeed in their quest.
Prof. LAAzar @ Saturday, August 25, 2007